"I am a Norfolk man and Glory in being so." Horatio Nelson


I.C.C problem brewing as Norfolk "A" group reduced to just two teams

In yet another major change to the 2024/25 Inter County Championship “A” Team groups the ESMBA has announced that Kent “A” will now play in a group of four counties leaving Norfolk “A” & West Mids “A” in a two team group where two teams qualify from. In their latest communication to counties, sent out on Wednesday 8th May, Group One now comprises of Kent, West Sussex, East Sussex & Surrey and Group Two is made up of Devon, Hampshire, Dorset & Cornwall. This leaves Group Three consisting of just Norfolk “A” & West Mids “A” who contested the final this season. Previously Norfolk “A” were in a group with West Mids, Worcs & Essex before the withdrawal of Worcs & Essex. The ESMBA then announced a new group of Norfolk, West Mids & Kent. Now that decision has seemingly been ditched. To confuse the issue still further a new diary has been issued listing Norfolk “A” as entertaining West Mids “A” on both the 10th October and the 5th January while visiting West Mids on both the 3rd November and 15th of December. The communication from the ESMBA states that “after consultation with both counties and committee it has been decided to alter the A team groups as listed.” This statement has prompted Norfolk County Manager Jack Pye to respond to the ESMBA denying that he was consulted on these changes or even made aware that a change in groups was happening. Other issues he has raised include the financial implications for Norfolk as a county who were due to have three home games with both the Premier and “A” Team participating at the same time. With the Norfolk Squad Trials set to take place on the 19th May the news that Norfolk “A” will only have one team against them in the group stages is sure to have an impact. Jack Pye stated in his email to the ESMBA that “I am going to struggle hugely to get players to commit to something which is not as it used to be.” He also said that “So for them to know they’ve only got 2 group games this coming season is going to cause people to want to pull out.” Among several other issues raised by the Norfolk Manager was the fact that Norfolk of course paid the same entry fee as other counties who are getting six group games while Norfolk look set to play just two. Jack has asked for an urgent response from the ESMBA on the many points he raised before he speaks with the Norfolk CSMBA Committee on how the matter will proceed.

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Norfolk Manager Jack Pye responds to yet another I.C.C issue 

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