"I am a Norfolk man and Glory in being so." Horatio Nelson


England Trials dates announced

Two dates of Trials for next season's England Team have been arranged. They will take place on Saturday 27th April at Solihull IBC and on Sun 26th May at Oxford and District IBC. To enter, just compete the Trials form and send to the England Manager, Stephen McAlister. Completed forms need to be received by 14th April. Each player should attend on one date only - whichever they prefer.
You can find the form at http://www.esmba.co.uk/the-england-squad/trials-information/
This is open to all registered players.
If you would like to find out more or are unsure if the trials are for you, feel free to contact Stephen McAlister.

jack and steve

England Manager Stephen McAlister with Norfolk's Jack Pye

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