"I am a Norfolk man and Glory in being so." Horatio Nelson


England teams for British Isles announced

The ESMBA has named the players who will represent England in the upcoming British Isles Championships being played later this month. Norfolk bowlers included are AJ Brown, Jack Pye & Gary Best for England Premier and Simon Willies, Jason Woods, Chris Willies & Morgan Warnes for England “A”.

Full Teams

England Premier

Rink 1 Adam Easthope, Jason McLean, AJ Brown, Ryan Knight.

Rink 2 Lawrence Moffat, Alex Kley (Capt), Sam Harvey, Adam Smith.

Rink 3 Jack Pye, Josh Hale, Gary Best, Ross Dunkley.

Rink 4 Jack Knight, Nathan Caines, Matty Worden, Jody Frampton

Singles Alex Kley

Pairs Saul Featherstone, Ryan Knight

Triples Bronagh Toleman, Lawrence Moffat, Lee Toleman

Fours Adam Easthope, Jon Pitcher, Craig Strong, Ross Dunkley

England “A”

Rink 1 Steve Stanton, Simon Willies, Mark White, Glenn Harvey

Rink 2 John Lax, Richard Stagg, Jason Woods, Chris Willies

Rink 3 Danny Hogben, Paul Pomeroy, Emily Thomas, Michael Doorey

Rink 4 Leah Wood (Capt), Michael Hall, Morgan Warnes, Adam Corrigan

Singles Glenn Harvey

Pairs Jason Woods, Chris Willies

Triples Andrew Carr, Nick Wyatt, Aiden Corrigan

Fours Tim Harwood, Gareth Hill, Josh Burrow, Michael Doorey

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Chris Willies, Jason Woods & Gary Best named for England

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